Data Destruction Service

Data Destruction Service in Hong Kong

100% Certified Data Destruction

Our procedures comply with NIST SP 800.88, NAID guidelines, and more. With industry-leading, certified data destruction services, your data is secure with us.


We design protocols to meet IT security requirements and compliance standards.

Secured Collection

Tailored collection services managed by our professional logistics team.

Secure Logistics

Assets are transported by trained security officers, monitored via GPS.

Secure Data Destruction

Guaranteed data removal methods compliant with international standards.

Secured Facility

Our facility operates 24/7, ensuring the highest security standards with CCTV monitoring.

Certified Data Destruction

Certified 100% data erasure under international standards, protecting your business from data breaches.

Environmental Friendly

We minimize energy use and ensure all waste is properly recycled per our No Landfill policy.


Strict guidelines and a $2 million insurance policy cover any unlikely damages.

Data Destruction Media

  • Smartphones, Tablets, Smartwatches
  • LTO Tape
  • iMac, MacBook, iPad, iWatch, iPhone
  • Server Storage
  • USB External HDD
  • Data Centers
  • Copiers
  • Laptops, Desktops
  • Paper Media

Destruction Methods

  • Wiping: Guaranteed 100% data destruction using certified software, compliant with international standards.
  • Shredding: Shreds IT equipment to ensure data cannot be recovered, compliant with NIST standards.
  • Product Destruction: Protects intellectual property in the ASEAN marketplace.
  • Degaussing: Strong magnetic fields erase all data on HDDs and magnetic tapes (not applicable for SSDs).
  • Paper Media: Secure destruction of paper records with a certificate of data destruction.

Professional Equipment and Technology

Showcase the advanced equipment and technology we use, such as hard drive shredders, degaussers, and secure transportation vehicles. Our state-of-the-art facilities ensure the highest standards of data destruction and asset management.