Contact Us

Step 1


Schedule a pickup through our website or contact us directly. Our secure logistics team will handle the transportation using tamper-evident packaging and GPS-tracked vehicles.

Step 2

Data Destruction

Choose from our data destruction services: degaussing, wiping, or shredding. We use advanced equipment to ensure your data is destroyed beyond recovery. Receive a certificate of destruction for your records.

Step 3


Eco-friendly recycling of non-reusable items ensures minimal environmental impact. Remarketing of reusable equipment helps you maximize value and promote sustainability.

Step 4


We provide detailed reports and audit trails, including serialized tracking and chain of custody documentation. Our comprehensive reports offer transparency and compliance assurance.

Contact me

Our office location

Address: Rm 323, Lincoln Centre, 20 Yip Fung St, Fanling

Phone: +85236194638

Email: [Your email address]